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Liechtenstein stamp program for 2024 – a 1st!

by | May 28, 2024

With the Liechtenstein stamp program for 2024 comes a hearty mea culpa to Liechtenstein collectors. For some reason I’ve spent 4 years enjoying Liechtenstein’s stamps, but I failed to post anything publicly.  I have no excuse. Especially in light of the fact I’m always looking over their stamps and pottering around sites, researching them. When I realised this 2 weeks ago, I decided it was time to move Liechtenstein out of the drafts folder. 

So, we are starting out fresh with the 2024 program.  If you are interested in the NFTs and crypto offerings, they’ll be appearing in a separate post sometime in the next couple of weeks and I’ll push out the previous 4 years as soon as feasible. As you likely guessed, I am like a cat with a new laser pointer… I am easily distracted by new releases, so it may take longer than I think. 

Occasionally I’ll post previous stamps by a designer, when it fits, or previous issues in a series. I think they add a depth to the page. Afterall, this entire site is dedicated to telling the stories stamps tell. That story includes the people who put their hearts into the designs. This is a new feature, added last year, and I love how it looks. It’s very satisfying connecting present designs with past issues. 

Onward! Enjoy

*Note: Liechtenstein also offers an assortment of blocks, and blocks on covers that aren’t listed here. 


Wild Animals in Liechtenstein
series: wildlife | fauna 

Wild Animals in Liechtenstein cancel 

Wild Animals in Liechtenstein fox
Liechtenstein stamp program!
Liechtenstein stamp program for 2024 Wild Animals in Liechtenstein squirrel
Liechtenstein stamp program

Wild Animals in Liechtenstein stag Wild Animals in Liechtenstein marmot

Wild Animals in Liechtenstein FDC Wild Animals in Liechtenstein 4 FDC

Wild Animals in Liechtenstein maxi cards  

Wildlifef Wild Animals in Liechtenstein sheets

 4 stamps, 5 FDCs, cancel, 4 maxi cards, 2 postal stationary, 4 sheets of 20 

  • fox
  • squirrel
  • marmot
  • stag

Photographer: Roland Rick 
Rick was the photographer/designer of the Europa CEPT 2018 – Bridges and the 2022 Mountain Panorama series. Wild Animals in Liechtenstein is his 3rd stamp design.

Release date: January 1, 2024


Provisional Stamps
series: insects | reptiles | butterflies

Provisional 2024 cancel

Provisional Stamps
overprints Provisional Stamps

Provisional Stamps
overprints Provisional Stamps

Provisional Stamps
overprints FDC 

Provisional Stamps
overprints FDCs 4

Provisional Stamps
overprints maxis 

Provisional Stamps
overprints sheets   

4 stamps, 5 FDCs, cancel, 4 maxi cards, 4 sheets of 20
*note: Liechtenstein also offers an assortment of blocks, and blocks on covers.

This set used previously issued designs. 

Stefan Erne – Marbled White butterfly previously issued 2009.
Erne’s first stamp design was the 2009 4 stamp Butterflies set. As well as his butterfly illustrations, Erne has designed a number of Liechtenstein’s annual Lunar New Year stamps, starting with the 2011 Year of the Dragon.
Armin Hoop – Spotted darter dragonfly previously issued 2020
It’s a busy year for Armin. He also designed this year’s SEPAC – Main Tourist Attractions for Liechtenstein, as well as the Salvador Dali set and Panorama – Natural Meadows.
Christine Böhmwalder
– Alpine salamander and Alpine silver ant previously issued 2023
Böhmwalder is the current Head of Philately for Liechtenstein post, assuming the position when Stefan Erne left.
Xaver Roser – Spotted darter dragonfly previously issued 2020
Roser’s nature photography appeared on the 2016 Nature Preservation set and 2012 Panorama of Liechtenstein.

Release date: March 4, 2024

series: peace

Peace 2024 cancel 

Peace stamp 2024 

Peace FDC  Peace maxi


1 stamp, FDC, cancel, maxi card, sheets of 20
*note: Liechtenstein also offers an assortment of blocks, and blocks on covers.

In her design, designer Michèle Steffen-Goop has expressed the idea that peace comes from small things and from interpersonal relationships. As an individual, every person can and should always keep peace in mind and live in respectful interaction with others. Discover Liechtenstein’s wild life, a stamp for children and much more (

Designer: Michèle Steffen-Goop

Release date: March 4, 2024

Children. Future. Secure.
75 Years of SOS Children’s Villages
series: children | charities

Children. Future. Secure.
75 Years of SOS Children's Villages cancel

Children. Future. Secure.
75 Years of SOS Children's Villages stamp

Children. Future. Secure.
75 Years of SOS Children's Villages FD Children. Future. Secure.
75 Years of SOS Children's Villages maxi card

Children. Future. Secure.
75 Years of SOS Children's Villages  sheet

1 stamp, FDC, cancel, maxi card, sheets of 20
*note: Liechtenstein also offers an assortment of blocks, and blocks on covers.

Children’s Laughter
Children’s SOS enters its 75th year works around the world helping children rebuild their lives. 

In the post-World War II era when Europe was rebuilding both its physical and social infrastructure, Hermann Gmeiner, Maria Hofer, Josef Jestl, Ludwig Kögel, Herbert Pfanner, and Hedwig Weingartner recognized a problem: thousands of children had lost their families and the infrastructure of the time presented them with the prospect of an institutional childhood in large-scale orphanages.

Together, these six individuals decided to make a difference and in 1949, founded the Societas Socialis – SOS – in Innsbruck, Austria. A year later, the name was changed to SOS Children’s Villages. Under their guidance, the organization and its many volunteers pioneered an innovative model of alternative care that focused on providing children with reliable, family-like relationships that created security and a real place of belonging.
History (

Designer: Isabella Gassner
Gassner designed Liechtenstein’s 2022 and 2023 Crypto stamps.

Liechtenstein Crypto 2.1 Cryptostamp-42--Block-Chain

Release date: March 4, 2024

Fine Arts from Liechtenstein
series: artists | art

Fine Arts from Liechtenstein cancel 

Fine Arts from Liechtenstein Fine Arts from Liechtenstein 

Fine Arts from Liechtenstein Fine Arts from Liechtenstein

 Fine Arts from Liechtenstein

Fine Arts from Liechtenstein 

2 stamps, 2 FDCs, cancel, 2 maxi cards, 2 sheets of 12
*note: Liechtenstein also offers an assortment of blocks, and blocks on covers.

  • Iris by Hanni Schierscher (d.o.b. 1943)
    The image “Iris” by Hanni Schierscher (d.o.b. 1943) was created by means of natural self-printing using plant sap on handmade paper. Her work is characterised by the fact that she does not put a conceived motif on paper, but instead initiates processes that give form to the forces inherent in nature. She does not want to depict anything; her artistic works are part of natural processes and thus become translators between nature and the viewer. Fine Arts from Liechtenstein – Fine Arts from Liechtenstein – Philatelie Liechtenstein
    Hanni Schierscher (
  • Fragile Balance by Evi Kliemand  (d.o.b. 1946) This work has not been shown publicly (as of when this article was posted)

    Having her art appear on a stamp resonated with Kliemand:For Evi Kliemand, the appearance of this stamp is also a small homage to her father Alfons Kliemand (1910-1978), who had been working in Vaduz since 1933 as an expert and pioneer of Liechtenstein philately, and who made the novelties known worldwide. The small brand – albeit no longer to the same extent as a security compared to the past – still acts as an ambassador and culture bearer.And in the poet’s language,

    the last butterflies appear like small
    damaged stamps.
    Forwarded several times by wind and weather,
    stamped, brittle at the perforated edges, hardly
    suitable for airmail. And the addressee may
    have moved away. 
    [Evi Kliemand]

Hanni Schierscher 
Evi Kliemand 

Release date: March 4, 2024


EUROPA – Underwater Fauna & Flora
series: EUROPA | lakes | fish 

Europa 2024

EUROPA - Underwater Fauna & Flora 2 EUROPA - Underwater Fauna & Flora 2

EUROPA - Underwater Fauna & Flora 2 

EUROPA - Underwater Fauna & Flora 2 EUROPA - Underwater Fauna & Flora 2EUROPA - Underwater Fauna & Flora 2

2 stamps, mini sheet of 4 (2×2), 3 FDCs, cancel

  • St. Katrina Brunna Nature Reserve 
    Up to the 1960s, St. Katrina was a quarry and dump for construction waste.  Created in 1973, it is now 171 hectares of woodlands and valleys. Within the Reserve are two ponds that are featured in this series. 
  • pondweed – a floating water plant that serves two purposes – a hiding place for the river perch that make the ponds their home, and providing oxygen for the water. 
  • Egli – river perch

Photographer: Rainer Kühnis

Release date: June 1, 2024

40 Years of Women’s Suffrage in Liechtenstein
The Cross – a Powerful Symbol
series: women’s rights 

Womens right cancel

40 Years of Women's Suffrage in Liechtenstein

40 Years of Women's Suffrage in Liechtenstein 

40 Years of Women's Suffrage in Liechtenstein

1 stamp, FDC, cancel, maxi card, a handkerchief giftset is also available
 embroidered on cloth (Hämmerle & Vogel, Lustenau / AT)

This special stamp was introduced at a presentation with panel discussion held at the Women’s Museum in Hittisau. 
Präsentation der gestickten Jubiläums-Briefmarke — Frauenmuseum Hittisau

The cross symbolises the cross used to mark ballots. 

At the presentation both Christine Böhmwalder from Philately Liechtenstein and Markus Hämmerle from the Austrian embroidery manufacturer Hämmerle & Vogel, who handled the delicate job of “printing” the stamp.  

The panel explored “Who were the key players in the commitment to promoting women’s rights and equality in Liechtenstein? Where was the resistance? How did it finally become the last country in Europe to achieve access to active and passive voting rights for women?” Medieninformation_Präsentation+Sonderbriefmarke+40+Jahre+Frauenstimmrecht+Liechtenstein.pdf (

Up until 1984, women in Liechtenstein were excluded from the right to vote in national elections. Their wish to vote failed at the ballot box in 1971 and 1973. Three years later, the Landtag passed a law that enabled women to vote at a local level. The voters of the capital of Vaduz introduced this in the same year and other municipalities followed suit over time.

In 1981, 24 committed women launched the “Sleeping Beauty Campaign”. Through their persistent activities such as effective public relations work, talks with the Government and parliamentarians and a campaign at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, their wish to vote finally succeeded in 1984. Two years later, women across the country were allowed to put their own crosses on the ballot paper for the first time and also stand for election themselves. One female candidate immediately made the leap into the then Landtag consisting of 15 members.
40 Years of Women’s Suffrage in FL – 40 Years of Women’s Suffrage in Liechtenstein – Philatelie Liechtenstein

Designer: Peter Vogel
Printer: Hämmerle & Vogel
They also printed Liechtenstein’s 2019 embroidered 300th Jubilee stamp which was also designed by Peter Vogel. 
300 years celebration

Release date: June 1, 2024

SEPAC – Main Tourist Attractions
series: tourism | SEPAC 

SEPAC cancel

120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí 

 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí

120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí

1 stamp, FDC, maxi card, cancel, sheet of 9

Vaduz Castle – Vaduz dates to sometime around the 12th century and first mentioned in records 1322. It has been the home of the Princely
Family since 1939. 

Designer: Armin Hoop

Release date: June 1, 2024

120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí (1904-1989)
series: art | artists

Dali cancel

 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí

 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí

120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Salvador Dalí 

Spanish surrealist painter, sculptor and filmmaker.  If you’ve never tackled Dali and his art, start with Who Was Salvador Dalí and Why Was He So Important? ( It’s one of the more approachable, and detailed, bios on Dali and his art. The writer, Howard Halle, manages to break down Dali’s substantial legacy and bizarreness into manageable bites. 

Curious trivia: Dali created the Chupa Chups logo in 1969. 

Designer: Armin Hoop

Release date: June 1, 2024

Panorama – Natural Meadows 
series: nature | landscapes

Meadows cancel

SEPAC - Main Tourist AttractionsSEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions

SEPAC - Main Tourist AttractionsSEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions 

SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions

SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions

SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions

SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions 

SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions SEPAC - Main Tourist Attractions 

4 stamps, 5 FDCs, 4 maxi cards, cancel, souvenir sheet
offset + silver

This set features Natural Meadow in Balzers and Natural Meadow in Triesen. 

Designer: Armin Hoop

Release date: June 1, 2024


100 Years of the Swiss Franc in the Principality of Liechtenstein

 100 Years of the Swiss Franc in the Principality of Liechtenstein


1 stamp on souvenir sheet, FDC, cancel, maxi card

A series of commemorative coins were issued for the anniversary.

The Swiss franc was introduced as Liechtenstein’s official currency in 1923 after the country joined Swiss customs territory. Prior to ’23, Liechtenstein’s economy was tied closely to Austria’s and used the Austrian Krone. After WW1, Austria was in a state of collapse, along with its economy. There was a spillover effect on Liechtenstein, causing economic turmoil. 

Designer: Isabella Hutter

Release date: September 2, 2024

Wayside Shrines in Liechtenstein 

Shrine to Saint Barbara, Ruggell  Shrine to Saint Barbara, Ruggell

Shrine to Saint Barbara, Ruggell

1 stamp, FDC, cancel, maxi card, sheets of 16

Shrine to Saint Barbara, Ruggell

The patron saint of miners and tunnel builders, Neubau Albulatunnel, Rhätische Bahn, RhB – Rhaetian Railway

Designer: Armin Hoop

Release date: September 2, 2024

Crypto Fox – Crypto stamp 

Forest Habitat and Business Fox

  Crypto Fox souvenir sheetBusiness Fox

Crypto Fox FDC Crypto Fox maxi card

Business Fox

2 souvenir sheets, 1 FDC, cancel, maxicard, embossed folder

Designer: Isabella Hutter

Release date: September, 2, 2024

Princely Treasures – Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series

Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series 

Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series 

Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series Princely Treasures - Palaces and Castles 
3rd in series

3 stamps, 4 FDCs, 3 maxi cards, cancel

These three paintings by Ferdiand Runk,  part of the Princely collection.

They are views of Mödling Castle and Adamsthal Valley in Lower Austria painted in the 19th century. The castle was first noted in the records in 1381 and  was home to the House of Liechtenstein. 

DIE FAMILIE LIECHTENSTEIN | LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vaduz–Vienna (

You can see more of Runk’s works here Search (

Designer: Silvia Ruppen

Release date: September, 2, 2024

Village Views – Ruggell

Village Views - Ruggell Village Views - Ruggell
  Village Views - Ruggell Village Views - Ruggell Village Views - Ruggell

Village Views - RuggellVillage Views - Ruggell
Village Views - RuggellVillage Views - Ruggell

2 stamps, 3 FDCs, 2 maxi cards, cancel, 2 sheets of 15

The stamps are black and white photographs that had colour added through colour gradings. 

Designer: Karin Beck-Söllner

Release date: September, 2, 2024


Mirror of Nature – A Journey Through the Natural Sciences

November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs
#liechtenstein November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs
#liechtenstein November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs
#liechtenstNovember will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs
#liechtenstein ein November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs
#liechtenstein November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs

November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs
#liechtenstein November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs

4 maxi cards that include a page from the book

November will see a release of 4 stamps which just may be the best of the year for Liechtenstein Post. 
"Mirror of Nature - A Journey Through the Natural Sciences" features illustrations from Herbarium Apulei Platonici,  published between 1480-1483. 

#stamps #herbs

The  Herbarium Apulei Platonici, the first book on plants, was published between 1480-1483.

The first printed herbal with illustrations was an illustrated edition of the Herbarium Apulei by Apuleius PlatonicusOffsite Link or Pseudo-Apuleius, originally compiled circa 400 CE or earlier, and issued in Rome by the printer and diplomat Johannes Philippus de LignamineOffsite Link in 1481 or 1482. The earliest surviving manuscript of this text dates from the sixth century.

In his dedicatory letter Lignamine stated that he based his edition on a manuscript found in the Abbey of Monte CassinoOffsite Link. In the 1930s F.W.T. Hunger identified a 9th century manuscript as Lignamine’s source (codex Casinensis 97 saec.IX). This he published in facsimile as The Herbal of Pseudo-Apuleius (1935). Regrettably the manuscript was destroyed in the bombardment of Monte Casino in 1944. 
“Herbarium Apulei”, the First Printed Herbal with Illustrations and Probably the First Series of Illustrations on a Scientific Subject : History of Information

The Huntingdon library has a digitised copy of the Herbarium online Incipit Herbarium Apulei Platonici ad Marcum Agrippam. – History of Science, Technology, and Medicine – Huntington Digital Library

Release date: November 2024

Cultural Heritage – Night Watchman’s Horn

Cultural Heritage - Night Watchman's Horn 

 Cultural Heritage - Night Watchman's Horn

Cultural Heritage - Night Watchman's Horn Cultural Heritage - Night Watchman's Horn

1 stamp, FDC, cancel, maxi card, sheets of 8

Maxi card uses a photo by Matthäus Schreiber (1861-1941). It depicts a watchman somewhere between 1919 and 1933. Watchmen played a number of roles, waking people if a fire broke out. He would alert both residents and firefighters with a loud metal horn.  Watchmen were gradually replaced by modern clocks and the job faded into history. 

Designer: Isabella Hutter

Release date: November 2024 

Chinese Signs of the Zodiac – Year of the Snake

Chinese Signs of the Zodiac - Year of the Snake 

Chinese Signs of the Zodiac - Year of the Snake

Chinese Signs of the Zodiac - Year of the Snake 

1 stamp, FDC, cancel, maxi card 

Designer: Tiger Pan from the Shenzhen area
Pan designed the UN’s Year of the Dragon stamps for 2024 as well as the 2022 Year of the Tiger set and 2018 Year of the Dog (Graphis Sliver Award  2019 design)

Release date: November 2024 

Christmas Wreaths

Christmas wreaths Christmas wreaths Christmas wreaths Christmas wreaths 

Christmas wreaths  Christmas wreaths

Christmas wreaths

Christmas wreaths

4 stamps, 5 FDCs, cancel, 4 maxi cards, 4 sheets of 20

Designer: Isabella Hutter

Release date: November 2024

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There are two ways you can support Bitter Grounds

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You can also buy some fun t-shirts, stickers, magnets and totes at my Merchandise Emporium
Among the philately related images you can buy are unique Cinderella airmails I’ve been creating.



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Bitter Grounds Magazine
All Right Reserved

Sigh ... I'll reboot again. Covid is a b*stard. Back working again. 

First of the 2025 programs will be coming this week - Canada, Algeria and Aland will lead the list. 

For Jan and Feb. 


The 2025 page is now enabled. 

PostEUROP – a bit of winter 2025 stamp news NEW

Algeria 2025 NEW 
Belgium 2025 NEW

Canada 2025 NEW 

Japan 2025 NEW
Jersey 2025 NEW

United States 2025 NEW 

Peru 2024 NEW (complete)


Canada 2025 UPDATED February 6


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